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Sons Of SSOSVA Sticker Marks The Societies Presence In The Prenton Area Of The Liverpool City Region

Writer's picture: Peter Eric LangPeter Eric Lang

The Secret Society Of Super Villain Artists In Prenton

The Secret Society Of Super Villain Artists has made their presence wonderfully clear across the Liverpudlian Region, especially around the Prenton Area, which is the focus of this article.

The Liverpool Secret Society of Super Villain Artists making their presence known in the Prenton Area of the Borough of Wirral in the Liverpool City Region (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Liverpool Secret Society of Super Villain Artists making their presence known in the Prenton Area of the Borough of Wirral in the Liverpool City Region (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).

The SSOSVA are not just contained to Liverpool City Centre, their presence and public knowledge spills into the City's suburban Boroughs. Their presence caught my eye with a sticker of their logo with an SSOSVA Emblem that I had not seen before. After doing some research online, I found that the Society call this emblem 'The Sons of The SSOSVA'. This is likely a reference to the television show Sons of Anarchy, which is further supported by an anarchy logo being present in the design. In an interview, Silent Bill, the founder of The Secret Society Of Super Villain Artists refers to street art and what they do as a sort of anarchy, as in many ways it goes against the rules of society and that they 'do not want to be told what to do'.

The Liverpool Secret Society of Super Villain Artists making their presence known in the Prenton Area of the Borough of Wirral in the Liverpool City Region (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Liverpool Secret Society of Super Villain Artists making their presence known in the Prenton Area of the Borough of Wirral in the Liverpool City Region (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).

As seen in 'The Sons of The SSOSVA' Emblem, it features a more rugged circle of typography, with the traditional skull replaced by a Grim Reaper holding an anarchy ball in one hand and in the other an long handled paint brush where a traditional Reaper would normally hold a Scythe. Whilst the Society normally has various members, such as Silent Belle, change the emblem to their own specific calling card in the centre of the logo, I am led to believe that this particular SSOSVA Emblem represents all of the members or at least a portion/ faction of the members of the Society due to the plural nature of it. However, I may find something else out after more research into this incredibly Liverpudlian Society.

Something that is very clear, is that many people enjoy the Society's work and are delighted when they notice the various stickers placed across the Region. When capturing this photograph of this sticker outside of Sainsbury's in Prenton, a lady chatted to me about the SSOSVA momentarily from a distance, about how she noticed that on the way into the shops and that she had not seen that marking before. A small interaction such as this really reinforces to me that there is a genuine need for the Secret Society Of Super Villain Artists in the Liverpool City Region, they bring a smile to people's faces and are points of interest to look out for wherever you go.

Photographs captured by Peter Eric Lang:

Woodchurch Road,


Borough of Wirral,

Liverpool City Region, UK.


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