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The Amazing UMAexpo 2023 In Picutres & Videos At The Hilton Hotel Liverpool City Centre

Organisations From Across The Globe Including From Los Angeles, Across Europe, And From All Over The UK, Visited The UMAexpo In Liverpool To Share Their Knowledge & Help Kickstart Or Enhance Careers In The Make-Up, Hair & Special Effects Industries

The creative works by Makeup Artist student, Mia Victoria, at the United Makeup Artists Expo 2023 at The Hilton Hotel in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: The Liverpudlian).
The creative works by Makeup Artist student, Mia Victoria, at the United Makeup Artists Expo 2023 at The Hilton Hotel in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: The Liverpudlian).

Here's a look at the incredible achievement from the UMAexpo 2023 which was the perfect opportunity for students and those wanting to develop upon their careers to find as much information as possible and to meet the right people.

The goal of the UMAexpo is to help ensure sustainable and viable careers in professional Makeup, Hair & Bodypaint industries. The UMAexpo (United Makeup Artists Expo) is took place on Sunday the 26th & Monday the 27th of March, at The Hilton Hotel in Liverpool City Centre.

The expo's aim is to educate and support those of all experience levels. From getting a kickstart to their career in the industry through an education provide from one of the exhibiting University Centres at the various Colleges such as the Bradford School of Art and CMTA (Creative Make-up Training Academy) at Preston College, to UCEN Manchester, right through to providing genuine life-changing advice for those working in the industry through the BECTU Union (Broadcasting, Entertainment, Communications and Theatre Union), as well as from Warpaint Magazine, the industry's trade paper.

The headline photograph shows the creative works by Make-Up Artist student, Mia Victoria, at the United Makeup Artists Expo 2023 at The Hilton Hotel in Liverpool City Centre.


The Hilton Hotel,

3 Thomas Steers Way,

Liverpool ONE,

Liverpool City Centre,

City of Liverpool, L1 8LW,

Liverpool City Region, UK.


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