The Superlambanana, or Super Lambanana, or Super Lamb Banana, is the iconic Liverpool landmark that took the world by storm, particularly during Liverpool's landmark celebration as being the successful winner of the European Capital of Culture in 2008. During this time more than 100 smaller sculptures where dotted all over the Liverpool Metropolitan Area as a tourist attraction and even in North Wales, which demonstrated the strong and special bond that the city has with Wales. The smaller sculptures were decorated in all different skins including John Lennon and a whole host of other important local icons. The massive statue that is a hybrid of a lamb and a banana is located on Tithebarn Street, in The Commercial District of Liverpool City Centre.
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
There has been a debate that has been in continued occurrence over whether the statute should just be replaced, repainted or restored. Then the debate developed into who would pay for it. The City then paid for the Lambanana to be replaced with an identical replica made with more durable materials so that it would not deteriorate like its predecessor, despite the artist creator claiming that they statue could have stood for at least 100 years. Upon visiting the replacement of the icon I hold dearly in my heart, it looks just like the original and how I believe it looked when it was first imagined and unveiled in 1998 by Japanese artist Taro Chiezo, who himself has spoke out on his sadness over the Original Lambananas decline.
Here Are Images Of The Super Lamb Banana's Replica Replacement, Making The City Proud Once Again Over One Of Ita Many Iconic Landmarks
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).
The Superlambanana as it proudly stands on Tithebarn Street in Liverpool City Centre (Credit: Peter Eric Lang).