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A Poem By Kevin Cowdall: The Prophetic Seagull

First Publication Of A Poem By Kevin Cowdall: The Prophetic Seagull

The Pier Head facing out onto the River (Credit: The Liverpudlian/This image is an original piece of work by The Liverpudlian Team).
The Pier Head facing out onto the River (Credit: The Liverpudlian/This image is an original piece of work by The Liverpudlian Team).

Below is one of the newest poems, The Prophetic Seagull, by local author Kevin Cowdall about something that many people from across the Liverpool Bay Area might be able to relate to. Please enjoy, with The Liverpudlian kindly enjoying first publication of this lovely poem.

The Prophetic Seagull

I can remember, as a child,

regular trips to the river front,

and sitting on the benches

at the Pier Head with my parents.

Watching the trail of seagulls

following the ferry’s wake

across the River Mersey,

or swooping in a raucous colony

as soon as any of us would drop

an inviting tit-bit at our feet.

I recall too, being told that one

could always foretell a coming storm

by the gulls moving inland,

seeking shelter from the wind and rain.

I see them now, as I potter in my garden,

circling high over the rooftops,

still as raucous as ever they were.

And sure enough, after a moment,

I am dappled by the first heavy raindrops,

so I move indoors to escape the coming storm.

And I wonder then if anyone else,

my neighbours of a certain age, perhaps,

have also noted the arrival of the gulls,

and remembered the old maxim.

For more about Kevin Cowdall, please see our latest article about everything he is up to, as well as his work through various online shops such as Amazon.

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